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Field Artillery Division Troops Tipped on Smart Ways to Acquire Loans

posted onOctober 4, 2023

The Field Artillery Division Commander Brig. Gen. Daniel Kakono cautioned officers and men of the Division against taking loans before starting projects with guaranteed stability. Brig Gen Kakono made the remarks during a two-day workshop by the Wazalendo Savings and Credit Co-operative Society that was held at the Field Artillery Headquarters, Masindi.

He advised them to identify the successful members in different units and formations who have utilized products from the Sacco and share experiences and skills on how they made it which will enable other colleagues to learn from them. The Chief Executive Officer of Wazalendo Sacco Col Noseph Freddy Onata informed members and delegates that the purpose of the workshop is to link up Wazelendo mission with what is on the ground, relate the theory of Wazelendo products with practical works members are doing on the ground.

“It’s time for monitoring and evaluation on how much Wazalendo Sacco has given out to its members and what exactly is on ground as far as projects are concerned and how members’ lives have been improved financially in line with Wazalendo Sacco mission,” Col Onata added.

Col Onata implored members to learn from their successful colleagues on how to start small with little capital and grow big and requested delegates to be good examples in their units and formations and by educating other members. The workshop was attended by brigade commanders, commanding officers and delegates.

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