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Security Minister Jim Muhwezi Katugugu during a meeting with The Defense and Internal Affairs Committee

Gov't to Install Motor Vehicle Tracking System despite Sanctions against Russia- Gen Muhwezi

by KP
posted onFebruary 23, 2022

The spilling sanctions from the European Union against Russia will not disrupt the implementation of the Intelligent Transport Monitoring System (ITMS) on all public and private motor vehicles and motorcycles, the Minister of Security, Maj Gen (Rtd) Jim Muhwezi has said.

Government is currently implementing the multibillion surveillance project along with M/S Joint Stock Company Global Security, a Russian firm based in Moscow. Government intends to install new number plates with unique security features on all government and private vehicles in the wake of rampant murders and car thefts in the country.

While appearing before the Committee on Defence and Internal Affairs on Wednesday, Gen Muhwezi told MPs that the ongoing sanctions levied on Russia will not stop the government from implementing the project.

“This project is already ongoing and to me, there is no reason to think that the project will be interrupted by the sanctions from the European Union,” Gen Muhwezi said.

Muhwezi’s submission was in response to Hon Theodore Ssekikubo (NRM, Lwemiyaga County) who had asked government to withdraw the contract signed with M/S Joint Stock Company Global Security whose country (Russia) is in the eye of the storm with other European countries following their alleged invasion of Ukraine.

“Sanctions have been placed on Russia and its companies. It is therefore fair to spare our time and resources by withdrawing the contract with this Russian company to avoid breaching international protocols,” Ssekikubo said.

Muhwezi says it is prudent that the motor vehicle surveillance project is implemented in due course as a matter of national security intended to minimize high level crimes like murders and motor vehicle thefts.

According to Gen Muhwezi, the smart tracking system comes with new digitized number plates embedded with security features that will make them easily identifiable, difficult to replace or remove and will enable Police to track the culprits.

However, there was a stalemate after MPs tasked the Minister to provide more details about the contracted Russian firm and its credibility record to implement a project of such magnitude.

The Minister could not provide information to the MPs’ satisfaction prompting the Committee chairperson, Hon Rosemary Nyakikongoro to suspend the sitting for 30 minutes to allow the minister collect all the necessary documents regarding the firm’s registration status and the signed contract among others.

Upon resumption, Gen Muhwezi sought for more time to allow his team to prepare the required documents- a request that was granted by Hon Nyakikongoro, who also directed that Gen Muhwezi returns on a later date that will be communicated along with the Ministry of Works and Transport as the joint implementing agencies.

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Kp Reporter - Chief editor

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