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Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda

Huge Opportunities Exist to Boost Uganda, Burundi Business Relations, Says Rugunda

"I implore the Uganda Embassy staff to maximally utilize this building to show value for money through promoting trade and business between Uganda and Burundi, enhancing people-to-people as well as government-to-government contacts for the mutual benefit of both countries. Moving forward, the clientele should attest to a better experience as you implement your mandate."
posted onMarch 22, 2022

The President's Special Envoy for Special Duties Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda said there is still "a lot of room... to enhance trade, business and investment relations" between Uganda and Burundi during the opening of Kampala's  Chancery in Bujumbura on Monday.

The Burundi government provided about 3.25 acres (11,037 Square meters) to construct the facility that is located land in Kiyange Village, Buterere Zone, Ntahangwa Commune, Bujumbura City.

And, according to Dr. Rugunda, the embassy officials in Bujumbura should use it to raise the current volume of trade, where Uganda exports goods worth US$64.99 million and imports goods worth US$25.46 milion from Burundi. 

Read his full speech below:

Before I commence reading my statement, I would like to request you all to join me in observing a minute of silence in honor of our fallen Speaker of Parliament, Late Rt. Hon. Jacob Oulanyah who passed on yesterday, 20th March 2022.

We are grateful for the message of condolence from His Excellency President Evariste Ndayishimiye to the people of Uganda. I welcome you all to this important occasion to witness the commissioning of the Uganda Embassy Bujumbura Chancery building. I extend our sincere appreciation to the government of the Republic of Burundi for the warm hospitality extended to us since our arrival.

I bring you warm and fraternal greetings from His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda, the government and the people of Uganda.

His Excellency the President would have loved to be here himself but due to other national duties in Uganda, he delegated me to officiate at this commissioning ceremony. Today marks yet another landmark in the consolidation of relations between our two sisterly countries.

I would like to warmly thank the government of the Republic of Burundi for their foresight and facilitation of this process through the allocation of valuable and strategically located land in Kiyange Village, Buterere Zone, Ntahangwa Commune, Bujumbura City, which is approximately 3.25 acres (11,037 Square meters) to the Republic of Uganda to construct this Embassy premise.

I also thank our Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Uganda Embassy Bujumbura team for seizing this opportunity granted by the Republic of Burundi to implement the construction of this magnificent three-storeyed building to house our Chancery. I extend my appreciation to the contractors for the job well done.

The Government of Uganda has noted with concern the increasing costs of renting premises in the various capitals around the World, and through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs came up with a policy of acquiring properties abroad to help reduce the overhead costs.

I hasten to add that for the case of Burundi, the decision of the Government of Uganda to construct this Chancery in Bujumbura was further informed by the strong bond of friendship that our people and governments have built and enjoyed from well before we both attained independence till today.

The Government of Uganda also deliberately decided to award the contracts for construction and consultancy to Burundian companies with the sole aim of contributing to the strengthening of local Burundian capacity.

Therefore, this Chancery building before us today does not only testify that our vision of acquiring property abroad is achievable but makes a bold statement that Uganda is here to stay and that Burundi is on the rise, peaceful and a reliable partner in the region.

I implore the Uganda Embassy staff to maximally utilize this building to show value for money through promoting trade and business between Uganda and Burundi, enhancing people-to-people as well as government-to-government contacts for the mutual benefit of both countries. Moving forward, the clientele should attest to a better experience as you implement your mandate.

Your Excellency, Uganda and Burundi enjoy common aspirations, particularly in the areas of security, peace and integration in the region and Africa at large. Both countries share the same vision on East African Community cooperation and Africa integration from which the region would reap benefits in the form of a larger market, a stronger bargaining power, and infrastructural development and are firm promoters of the African Union Agenda 2063, “the Africa we want”.

Uganda and Burundi are bonded by their commitment in championing a secure and peaceful region which is demonstrated through the contribution of troops under AMISOM. Uganda has also supported the peace-making processes in the Republic of Burundi.

Uganda actively participated in the negotiated Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement in August 2000 under the Chairmanship of H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda and is one of the guarantors of the Arusha Peace Accord.

On behalf of the government of Uganda, I congratulate the government and people of Burundi on the well negotiated and executed processes and ensuring that peace prevails and rebuilding of the country takes centre stage. Indeed, Burundi walks the talk of the doctrine “African solutions to African problems”.

In a special way, I wish to underscore the important role played by our leaders towards nurturing this relationship including the exchange of visits at the highest level.

The most recent visit of His Excellency President Evariste Ndayishimiye, to Uganda at the invitation of His Excellency President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, from 11th to 14th May 2021 among others recalled the purpose of holding of the 3rd Session of the Uganda-Burundi Joint Permanent Commission.

Your Excellency, I am delighted to note that the commissioning of this Chancery building comes on the eve of the 3rd Session of Uganda – Burundi Joint Permanent Commission which had taken a long time since the holding of the Second Session in Kampala, Uganda.

Consequently, I encourage the two respective sides to use this impetus to agree on a framework that can improve trade relations between our two countries as the most practical roadmap towards;

• promoting the much-desired socio-economic transformation of our two peoples,

• promoting sustainable people-to-people relationships beyond government; and

• increasing of household incomes and livelihood of our two peoples.

The volume of trade between our two countries has remained low with Uganda exporting goods worth US$64.99million and importing goods worth US$25.46milion from Burundi. However, there is a lot of room for the two countries to enhance trade, business and investment relations.

Yesterday, unlike on previous occasions, I flew here directly from Entebbe by Uganda Airlines. I am also informed that this Airline plies the Entebbe-Bujumbura route four times a week and is set to increase this frequency to six times a week at the end of this month.

This is a clear demonstration of the government’s commitment to address the barriers to trade, through provision of direct connectivity and ultimately, cutting down the costs of doing business. I, therefore, wish to urge the private sector players, the business people and entrepreneurs to join hands with our governments, and take advantage of the strong foundation of bilateral relations, the goodwill of the leaders and the conducive and enabling environment existing in both countries, to grow trade and investments.

I am also glad that the Uganda – Burundi Business Forum will be taking place on Wednesday, 21st March 2022, here in Bujumbura.

I call on the business people to utilize this opportunity to establish new partnerships for the mutual benefit of our two countries. Your Excellency, I now declare the Uganda Embassy Bujumbura Chancery building officially open.

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Kp Reporter - Chief editor

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