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Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) has ramped up efforts to enhance market infrastructure and expand trading spaces across the city, a move expected to improve the livelihoods of vendors.

KCCA's Market Upgrade Drive Set to Boost Vendor Livelihoods

Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) has ramped up efforts to enhance market infrastructure and expand trading spaces across the city, a move expected to improve the livelihoods of vendors.
posted onSeptember 9, 2024

Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) has ramped up efforts to enhance market infrastructure and expand trading spaces across the city, a move expected to improve the livelihoods of vendors. KCCA Executive Director Dorothy Kisaka, speaking during a meeting with leaders from 16 KCCA-managed public markets on 6th September 2024 at Kololo Grounds, outlined plans to upgrade facilities in key markets.

“We are committed to improving the state of our markets to support economic activity, improve sanitation, and ensure better working conditions for all vendors,” Kisaka said.

KCCA has earmarked funds to modernise the city's public markets, a strategy designed to create a more conducive environment for both traders and buyers. The meeting, convened by Maj Emma Kutesa, the Presidential Assistant in Special Operations at State House, focused on addressing challenges facing market vendors and exploring sustainable solutions.

Modern Facilities and Ongoing Projects

Several markets have already benefited from the initiative, including Bukoto, Kiswa, and Namuwongo markets, where modern sanitation facilities such as new toilets have been installed. At St Balikuddembe Market, solar lighting and newly paved floors are making the market safer and more hygienic.

Ongoing projects include the construction of Kitintale Market in Nakawa Division and Kiseeka Market in Central Division, both of which are nearing completion. In Rubaga Division, Busega Market is also set to be finalised soon, with access roads and a parking lot being completed before the official opening.

Kisaka emphasized that these upgrades align with the National Resistance Movement (NRM) government’s focus on integrating city dwellers into the formal economy, ensuring that all residents have access to income-generating opportunities.

Vendors Welcome the Upgrades

Susan Kushaba, the vendors’ coordinator, praised the KCCA leadership and Maj. Kutesa for their efforts in meeting vendors and committing to resolving their issues. “This is a welcome development for us. We are glad that our concerns are being addressed,” she remarked.

As KCCA continues to improve market infrastructure, the trading experience for thousands of vendors and shoppers in Kampala is expected to significantly improve. These initiatives not only boost local businesses but also contribute to the city’s broader economic development by enhancing urban livelihoods.

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Kp Reporter - Chief editor

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