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New Wave of Desert Locusts Attack Napak

New Wave of Desert Locusts Attack Napak District

by KP
posted onAugust 14, 2020

A new wave of desert locusts have attacked Napak District in Karamoja subregion, UPDF Spokesperson Brig Flavia Byekweso has confirmed. 

This comes five months since the first swarm of locusts invaded Uganda from Kenya through districts in Northern Uganda specifically Karamoja subregion. 
Brig Byekweso said that the Army swiftly sprayed and killed the locusts before the could do any harm. 
"A new wave of locusts invaded Uganda 02 days ago from Kenya,  the first Swam landed in Kangole sub county Morilinga village.  UPDF supported by an aircraft from the DLCO sprayed them and they are no more and no cause of alarm," Byekweso tweeted.

From the time locusts invaded the country, Government through the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries has undertaken various interventions to control the desert locusts’ invasion. Government has fast tracked the procurement of appropriate chemicals for spraying the locusts. Apparently, as of April, over 1,400 litres of Fenitrothion 96% ULV out of the 10, 000 litres that were ordered has so far been received from Twiga Kenya Limited.
Government also procured and dispatched over 500 Motorised Spray Pumps, 2,000 Knapsack Spray Pumps and 2,000 sets of Personal protective gear which UPDF used to spray the locusts.

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Kp Reporter - Chief editor

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