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Mukula in Mayuge

Don’t Gamble with the Future of this Country- Mukula

by KP
posted onJanuary 4, 2021

Mayuge: NRM Vice chairperson for Eastern Uganda, Capt Mike Mukula has warned young people to cut the excitement and avoid ‘gambling’ the future of this country.

Mukula was on Monday campaigning for Museveni and other NRM flag bearers in Mayuge where he held three meetings in the Constituencies of Bunya South, Bunya East and Mayuge Town Council. He warned the youths against hurrying to cause political change saying they need to be educated about the country’s chaotic history.

“Uganda was a failed state since the time of Independence. Imagine within a period of about 20years after Independence, Uganda had been ruled by 7 presidents. It has only stabilized when Museveni came to power. We should not take this stability for granted,” Mukula said.

He said that Uganda’s biggest problem since Independence was lack of experienced leaders which led to change of government 7 times since 1962 until President Museveni came to power in 1986.

“Uganda’s problems were as a result of inexperienced, young leaders. By 1962, Uganda had only 103 graduates. The likes of Edward Muteesa and Milton Obote took over power with young leaders. Imagine Abu Mayanja was just 23 years while Ibingira [Grace] was 24. Most of the leaders then were less than 30 and it was only Sir William Nadiope and Milton Obote I who were 39 and 41 respectively,” Mukula said, adding that it is due to such inexperienced leaders that Uganda was unstable and witnessed 7 presidents in a period of 20 years.

“The only organized party that has been tested and proved is the NRM party with more than 300 MPs. Already we have registered 15 MPs unopposed with the latest being Minister Hillary Onek. FDC is confused and NUP is still a suckling baby whose leader [Bobi Wine] has not even finished three years in parliament,” he said.

Mukula received overwhelming support in Mayuge
Mukula received overwhelming support in Mayuge

He tasked the people of Mayuge to overwhelmingly vote for NRM’s Museveni come 14th January for a “secured future.” NRM government is credited for fighting over 14 rebel groups since coming to power. Among the rebel groups and leaders who have been defeated include; Herbert Itongwa, Jamil Mukulu and his ADF, Aggrey Awori and his FOBA, Peter Otai and his Uganda Peoples’ Army, Joseph Kony and his LRA, Alice Lakwena and her Holy Spirit Movement etc.

“Recently, Uganda started experiencing some pockets of insecurity; with the rampant killings of women, 2010 Twin bombings, prominent assassinations and murder of Muslim clerics. But NRM government took charge and put in place drastic measures to curb crime and these senseless murders and assassinations are no more,” he said.

Mukula welcomed over 200 new converts joined the NRM party. Tomorrow, he will take his campaign meeting in Kaliro district and on Wednesday he will be in Butaleja.

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Kp Reporter - Chief editor

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