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Minister of State for Foreign Affairs John Mulimba hosted a diplomatic engagement with Joe Dashley

Minister Mulimba, UK Mission Political Counsellor Discuss Regional Security

posted onFebruary 20, 2024

Minister of State for Foreign Affairs John Mulimba hosted a diplomatic engagement with Joe Dashley, the political counselor of the British High Commission at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The discussions, which were held on Thursday, February 15,  focused on efforts to foster peace and security within the region amidst evolving geopolitical dynamics. Both parties had constructive dialogue aimed at addressing pressing regional challenges and advancing collaborative strategies for sustainable peace. Recognizing the interconnected nature of global security, discussions centered on comprehensive approaches to conflict resolution, preventive diplomacy, and collective security measures.

Emphasizing the importance of multilateral cooperation, the two reaffirmed their dedication to promoting peace-building efforts and mitigating potential threats to regional stability.

Mulimba said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs remains steadfast in its commitment to diplomatic initiatives that promote peace and security and looks forward to continued collaboration with international partners in pursuit of these noble objectives. 

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Kp Reporter - Chief editor

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