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President Museveni at the Regional parliamentary sittings in Gulu City

President Museveni Pledges to Address War Compensation Impasse in Northern Uganda

President Museveni urged the people of Northern Uganda to move beyond the "hangover" of the war that ravaged the region for nearly two decades due to the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) insurgency.
posted onAugust 30, 2024

President Yoweri Museveni has reassured the people of Northern Uganda that the government is committed to resolving the long-standing issue of war compensations in the region. Speaking at the opening of the regional parliamentary sittings in Gulu City on August 29, 2024, Museveni acknowledged the delays in compensating war claimants but emphasized that steps will be taken to address the matter.

"I will call a meeting and discuss with area Members of Parliament, Ministers, and elders. I understand that some of the money was initially taken by lawyers, which has caused many problems, but we are committed," President Museveni said during the session at Kaunda Grounds.

The issue of compensation for victims of war in Northern and Eastern Uganda, as well as West Nile and Elgon sub-regions, has been a persistent concern. According to Deputy Attorney General Jackson Kafuuzi, an estimated Shs2 trillion is required to settle the claims.

President Museveni at the Regional parliamentary sittings in Gulu City

However, President Museveni urged the people of Northern Uganda to move beyond the "hangover" of the war that ravaged the region for nearly two decades due to the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) insurgency. Drawing comparisons, Museveni reminded the audience that other parts of Uganda, such as Masaka and Luwero, had also endured prolonged conflict but have since recovered.

"Many parts of the country have gone through war. Masaka, Mbarara, and the Luwero war lasted five years. Some of these ministers were with me when I went to Luweero, and it has recovered," Museveni stated.

President Museveni at the Regional parliamentary sittings in Gulu City

He credited the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF) for restoring peace and security in Northern Uganda and across the nation, attributing their success to ideological discipline and strategic budgeting. "We believe in individual responsibility. You cannot blame a group for the mistake of one member, and we do not believe in sectarianism," Museveni emphasized.

In addition to compensation, Museveni highlighted the importance of improving education and healthcare in Northern Uganda. He urged MPs to focus on implementing Universal Primary Education (UPE) and Universal Secondary Education (USE) to raise literacy levels, stressing the need for free education in government schools. "If there are unmet costs, bring them forward. You are MPs. Let’s budget and provide free education for children," he said.

President Museveni at the Regional parliamentary sittings in Gulu City

Museveni also called on MPs to supervise health centers more effectively, particularly in addressing the theft of drugs, and encouraged the promotion of proper nutrition to combat malnutrition-related diseases.

"We have the food, but people do not know what to eat. Radios are there but only used to abuse Museveni. Health officers should educate people on proper nutrition," the President noted.

As the regional parliamentary sittings continue, Museveni reiterated his commitment to tackling issues systematically, urging patience and understanding from both voters and representatives. "We cannot resolve everything at once. If it took God six days to create the world, who are you to finish in one day?" he concluded.

President Museveni Pledges to Address War Compensation Impasse in Northern Uganda

The Gulu regional parliamentary sitting, which began on August 28, 2024, is the first of the four planned regional sittings planned for this financial year.

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Kp Reporter - Chief editor

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