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Ugandan Contingent Heads to Rwanda for Regional Military Exercise

posted onJune 13, 2023

The Chief of Training and Recruitment Brig Gen Matthew Gureme flagged off the Ugandan contingent that will participate in the East African Community (EAC) Command Post Exercise (CPX) 'Ushirikiano Imara 2023 at the Non-Commissioned Officers Academy in Jinja.

The Exercise will be conducted in Musanze, Rwanda. Brig Gen Gureme said that the objective of this exercise is to get forces to practice on duties and responsibilities of a mission to headquarters. He noted that such missions ensure and check that Uganda’s systems, practices and kits are interoperable with our other partner states.

 “It is through these exercises that militaries learn to integrate so that we are not left behind in economy and commerce. As you know, defence plays a big role towards our commercial success,” said Brig Gen Gureme as he called upon the participants to cooperate with other sister countries.

Col Stuart Agaba, the Head of the Delegation, urged the participants to be observant of key concepts that characterize the operation environment. He said these concepts ensure that the operating environment is connected, cluttered, congested, constrained and contested in order to prevail over as they execute their roles.

The exercise will bring together the military, police and civilian components from the seven East African Community (EAC) member states of Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Rwanda and Tanzania.

In attendance were the Commandant Junior Command and Staff College, Brig Gen Chris Ogwal, Col Robert Rutainama, Cantonment Commander Gadaffi Barracks and the Commandant of the Non-Commissioned Officers Academy, Lt Col James Tugume among others.

The Main Objective of the exercise is to practice as the EAC Partner States Armed Forces and other stakeholders in planning and conducting Peace Support Operations (PSO), Counter Terrorism, Counter Piracy and Disaster Management to enhance their capacity in combating complex security challenges.

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Kp Reporter - Chief editor

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