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Minister Karooro Okurut (L) is welcomed by KIU leadership

KIU Hosts Uganda Vice Chancellors' Forum Conference

The event that was held at the Kansanga-Ggaba Road based University inside Iddi Basajjabala Memorial Library (IBML), attracted Vice-Chancellors and other management staff from various public and private universities.
posted onOctober 5, 2019

By Kampala Post Reporter

Kampala International University (KIU) has hosted the 9th Uganda Vice-Chancellors' Forum (UVCF) Conference, under the theme ‘Higher Education in Uganda’.

The event that was held at the Kansanga-Ggaba Road based University inside Iddi Basajjabala Memorial Library (IBML), attracted Vice-Chancellors and other management staff from various public and private universities.

The Vice-Chancellor KIU Dr. Mouhammad Mpezamihigo took participants present round the IBML for a tour around the Library facility, including showcasing an overview of other facilities of KIU in pictures including her Western campus in Ishaka-Bushenyi, which houses the University's Medical School and the newly built Engineering Laboratories.

Dr. Mpezamihigo recounted the giant feats the university has achieved in recent times, especially, KIU being the only university in Uganda with its own teaching hospital as well as an emerging hub of Science in East Africa with the most recent accreditation of 12 Engineering programmes for the university by the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE).

Minister Muyingo (C) with others posing for a photo at the 9th Uganda Vice-Chancellors' Forum (UVCF) Conference
Minister Muyingo (C) with others posing for a photo at the 9th Uganda Vice-Chancellors' Forum (UVCF) Conference

The Minister of General Duties, Mary Karooro Okurut, who was the Guest of Honour, expressed her delight on the successful journey that higher education in Uganda has thrived over time. Okurut, specifically, acknowledged and appreciated all the partners of higher education in Uganda such as the World Bank and the entire donor community that have joined hands with the government to take education to where it is today.

While appreciating the government for the loan scheme initiative in higher education, KIU Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic Affairs, Professor George Nasinyama in addition to other participants, called on the government to also invest funds across boards in the higher education system in Uganda, stating that not only government but private universities inclusive should be considered as beneficiaries of the loan scheme and/or grants from the government of Uganda, as they all add to the academic quota of the country in one way or another.

Dr. J.C Muyingo, Minister of State for Higher Education, challenged the participants to be exemplary and pro-active before seeking for external help from international agencies.

“We should think of what we can do for ourselves before we seek external help. Before we broaden our search for international assistance. For example, quality control should start with us,” Muyingo said.

Muyingo appreciated the university, through the leadership of Dr. Mpezamihigo and other management team, for their good initiative of intending to open up its facilities to students from other universities and the general public, for academic and research purposes.

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Kp Reporter - Chief editor

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