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NRM retains Parliamentary Commissioners as Mpuuga Hands over LOP Office

NRM Retains Parliamentary Commissioners as Mpuuga Hands over LOP Office

by KP
posted onJanuary 9, 2024

The NRM ruling party has retained all the three backbench parliamentary commissioners.

Hon. Solomon Silwany, Hon. Prossy Akampulira Mbabazi and Hon. Esther Afoyochan have been re-elected as the parliamentary commissioners. The opposition has elected Hon. Mathias Mpuuga as their commissioner, replacing Hon Francis Zaake who was impeached. Their tenure of two and a half years expired on 13th December 2023 prompting Parties to invite new nominations. The new commissioners were approved by the House.

The House also approved the new Leader of Opposition, Joel Ssenyonyi who replaces Mpuuga. According to the Speaker, Anita Among, on 22nd December 2023, she received communication from the Secretary General of the National Unity Platform (NUP) party about changes in some office bearers in the opposition leadership in Parliament.

“Pursuant to Article 82 (A) of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, 1995 and Section 6 (B) of the Administration of Parliament Act, Hon. Joel B. Ssenyonyi, MP Nakawa West Constituency is selected as the Leader of the Opposition, replacing Hon. Mathias Mpuuga, MP Nyendo-Mukungwe Constituency who is nominated as Back Bench Commissioner,” Among said.

Hon. John Baptist Nambeshe, MP Manjiya County has also been re-appointed as Chief Opposition Whip. Speaker Among urged the new LOP to build upon the works of his predecessor, Hon. Mpuuga.

“Let us be incremental in our service to the people but not disruptive. In so doing, I urge the LOP to address his mind to Rule 14, especially 13 (3) which requires the Leader of the Opposition to hold regular consultations with the Leader of Government Business and the Speaker,” she said.

House also approved Hon. Abdu Katuntu Abdu (Bugweri County) as one of Uganda’s representatives to the Pan-African Parliament. Hon. Elijah Okupa, MP Kasilo County (Independent) was also approved as part of the Parliamentary delegation to the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA).

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Kp Reporter - Chief editor

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