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Vice President Jessica Alupo and the Speaker Anita Among at the Annual Judges Conference

Museveni calls for Public Participation in Judicial Processes

by KP
posted onFebruary 5, 2024

The Vice President, Jessica Alupo has this Monday afternoon officiated at the opening of the 25th Annual Judges' Conference at Kampala Serena Hotel. 

Alupo, who is representing the HE the President, was flanked by the Speaker of Parliament, Annet Anita Among. 

This year's conference is running from 5th to 8th February 2024 under the theme: "A People-Centered Approach to Justice."

The President in his remarks presented by the Vice President Alupo highlighted three pertinent attributes that judicial officers should exhibit in order to attain meaningful justice.

These include; applying the constitutional law that justice must be done for all, adhering fully to the principles of the judicial code of conduct and respect of the judicial oath that calls for administering of justice without fear or favour.

President Museveni also called for public participation in judicial matters so that the intended purpose of this year's theme is achieved. 

"We need to hear feedback on our services which helps us work better. People's participation in affairs of government is paramount in progression of every society.
I am happy with this theme and I know the feedback will facilitate improvement of administration of justice," he said.

Museveni pledged to continue supporting the Judiciary in quest for independence, fair trial and timely handling of cases.

" As government, we shall continue to support and build a strong Judiciary including respect of court orders. I remind people that courts are independent in their operations and must be allowed to function as such," he said. 

The Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Norbert Mao urged the judicial officers to not only foster judicial independence but also judicial accountability, a reflection of this year's theme. 

"Justice is the last line of defence...So how can we enhance the confidence of the people in our Judiciary system? If we are to follow the theme, then our aim should not only be judicial independence but judicial accountability because Parliament has equipped the Judiciary with all resources and therefore, excuses should be minimal," Mao said. 

In order to achieve judicial accountability, Mao said judges should embrace and welcome criticism from the public. 

"Citizens should even be able to inquire if the court decision is correct or not. Citizens should also be allowed to even ask about the relevance of a certain legislation," he said. 

Judges attending the Annual Judges Conference
Judges attending the Annual Judges Conference

He, however, urged the citizens to be fair and responsible in criticizing the judicial officers.

"Criticism launched against the Judiciary of late have not been responsible, fair and even productive...The criticism should have two characteristics; it should be responsible and fair," Mao said. 

He also urged judges to be fair in dispensing justice. 

"We should understand that however distasteful the conduct of citizen it may be, citizens should be tested to a fair trial," he said. 

In his remarks, the Chief Justice, Alfonse Owiny Dollo courted government to enhance the Judiciary's resource envelope as a measure to ensure smooth administration and operations of the judiciary in administering justice and deal with the existing case backlogs. 

"I thank HE the President for ensuring enormous support to the Judiciary. When I took over the Judiciary, the budget was laughable at Shs199bn annually but when we made our case, the following year, this budget was virtually doubled and has since continously been improved," he said. 

Vice President Jessica Alupo and the Speaker Anita Among at the Annual Judges Conference

The Chief Justice is optimistic that by 2025, the Judiciary's budget will hit a Shs800bn mark which is sufficient to address any judicial hiccups. 

"The economy of Uganda can afford Shs800bn annually for the Judiciary of Uganda. If we achieved this then the Judiciary will do wonders. It will be possible for any judicial officer to finish any matter before them in less than one year," Owiny-Dollo said.

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Kp Reporter - Chief editor

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