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President Museveni C poses for a photo with over 200 intern doctors after giving them an opportunity lecture at State House Entebbe on Saturday The interns have concluded a leadership training course at NALI Kyankwanzi

President Museveni Suggests Private Sponsorship for Medical Interns

The President says maintaining the same sponsor for both education and internships would alleviate the pressure on government resources and avoid delays
posted onAugust 26, 2024

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has suggested that the sponsors who supported medical students through medical school should continue their support during internships due to the government's financial constraints in funding medical internships.

Speaking on Saturday, August 24, 2024, during a lecture to 210 post-medical interns at State House, Entebbe, Museveni expressed concern over the reliance on government funds, given the extensive financial commitments in areas like infrastructure and security. “The government would pay if it had money, but it doesn’t have enough since it has many responsibilities like roads and security," he said, proposing that students’ initial sponsors continue their financial support during the internship period.

The President's remarks come at a time when many medical interns are struggling due to delays in government funding. Museveni questioned the existing system, suggesting that maintaining the same sponsor for both education and internships would alleviate the pressure on government resources and avoid delays. "Why don’t we agree that the person who sponsored you through medical school continues with your internship? If they supported you for five years, why stop now?" he posed.

He also raised concerns about the availability of supervisors for medical interns, emphasizing the need for the government to hire more consultants to oversee their work. "The government must also hire enough consultants to supervise you," Museveni added.

Medical Interns

The lecture also delved into the history of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) and its mission, with Museveni comparing political leadership to diagnosing and treating a patient's illness. He emphasized the importance of accurate diagnosis in politics to address the needs of the people effectively.

Addressing the future of medical professionals in Uganda, Museveni encouraged young doctors to consider careers in the army and police, promising recruitment opportunities. He also pledged financial support to qualified doctors who wish to establish private health facilities, recognizing that not all can be absorbed into government positions.

Mister for presidency Milly Babalanda

The Minister for Presidency, Hon. Babirye Milly Babalanda, and other officials commended the Patriotism Secretariat for its successful training programs, including the post-medical interns' training at the National Leadership Institute (NALI) in Kyankwanzi. Babalanda thanked the President for his dedication to the patriotism program and his inspiring lectures, which she said have greatly influenced the participants.

Brig. Gen. Charles Kisembo, Director of NALI, praised the post-medical interns for their commitment and resilience during their training, expressing hope that they would continue to serve the country with dedication. "When we see these young men and women committed to serving their country, we get convinced that the ideas for which you struggled were not lost," he said.

The event concluded with expressions of gratitude from the interns, who pledged to use their newly acquired skills and knowledge to contribute to Uganda's socio-economic transformation.

Medical Interns meeting president Museveni

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Kp Reporter - Chief editor

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