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Hon Alice Kaboyo, Minister of State for Luwero-Rwenzori Triangle in the Office of the Prime Minister

Minister Kaboyo Calls for Unity Among Rwenzori MPs to Drive Development

There is need for collaboration between the government and elected leaders to accelerate development in the Rwenzori sub-region
posted onAugust 9, 2024

Minister of State for Luwero-Rwenzori Triangle, Alice Kaboyo, has urged Members of Parliament from the Rwenzori sub-region to unite and collaborate in driving socio-economic transformation. The minister made the call during a meeting with the MPs on Wednesday 7th August 2024, where she outlined the government's progress in rehabilitating areas affected by past conflicts.

“His Excellency the President in September 2022 offered guidance for all affirmative action programs with Luwero-Rwenzori inclusive on the key areas of focus and these included, mobilization of communities and masses towards implementation of existing/approved government programs.

“Implementation of projects that are not being implemented by sector MDAs, monitoring the implementation of Government Programmes and brainstorming for the area and developing an economic plan for the sub-region (s),” Kaboyo said.

Citing challenges such as decreased funding where the ministry’s budget has gradually kept on reducing from UGX 46.199bn in FY 2020/21 to the current UGX 7.161bn in FY 2024/25, poor mindset of the beneficiaries and inadequate political monitoring and ownership of projects by local leaders and local government, the minister urged for teamwork and mobilization of resources to improve service delivery in the sub-region.

Reacting to the minister’s presentation, the MPs wondered why being the largest sub-region with 43 districts and seven municipalities compared to other affirmative action ministries but receive meagre funds to facilitate their sub-region making it difficult for them to plan for their people.

The Bughendera constituency MP, Hon. Kiiza Acrobat Moses from Bundibugyo district said that they as MPs were willing to support the minister starting with the budget process for the Financial year 2025/2026 which begins next month in September suggesting they needed to meet and brief the president about pertinent issues affecting the region.

“We need to meet the president and add our voice to push for Luwero-Rwenzori. We also have ADF war victims from Bundibugyo, Kasese, Kabarole and other districts but these have never received any compensation!” wondered Kiiza.

“We also have victims of the Kichawamba massacre Honorable minister,” chipped in Margaret Muhanga Mugisa the Member of Parliament for Fort Portal North Division in Fort Portal City who doubles as the Minister of State for Health in Charge of Primary Health Care.

The Bunyangabu County MP in Kabarole District and Minister of State for Gender and Culture, Peace Mutuuzo said that the Rwenzori area has been reliable to the NRM government and appealed to the government to prioritize and allocate enough funds for road construction due to the terrain in the area as this will enable market access and boost both the economic and tourism potential.

Hon. Victoria Rusoke Busingye the Kabarole District Woman MP and Minister of State for Local Government asked that area MPs be involved during the planning, distribution and implementation of government programmes instead of only relying on local governments as this will help in mobilization, implementation and monitoring to assess impact.  She also requested the minister to look into the over 6,000 veterans in Bunyangabu who are mobilizing to erect a monument in the area.

Tom Bright, the MP for Kyaaka Central requested that the ministry writes to the Office of the President and have one of the Heroes day celebrations held in the Rwenzori.

The minister promised to follow up on the status of the roads in the sub-region, compensation of ADF war victims, build 5 low cost houses for civilian veterans, construct 3 classroom blocks in the areas of Kasese, Luwero and Nakaseke, support 20 groups with hatcheries and maize mills as well as provide piglets, goats and cows to identified beneficiaries. She also promised 1,000 hand hoes for each district which will be distributed to veterans.

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Kp Reporter - Chief editor

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