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(L-R) FDC leaders; Patrick Amuriat, Kizza Besigye and Erias Lukwago

2021 Elections: FDC in Crisis as Leaders Scramble for Presidential Flag Bearer

This crisis emanates from a political gap left by the party founder and 4 time presidential candidate Dr Kizza Besigye who is pussyfooting to pick nomination forms for FDC presidential flag bearer
by KP
posted onJuly 28, 2020

The Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) Party is seemingly slipping into a political leadership crisis as the biggest opposition party struggles to field a prominent presidential candidate for the 2021 general polls.

This crisis emanates from a political gap left by the party founder and four-time presidential candidate Dr Kizza Besigye who is pussyfooting to pick nomination forms for FDC presidential flag bearer. According to the tentative FDC roadmap, aspirants vying to hold the flag for the presidency were expected to pick nomination forms from July 30 to 31.

However, due to uncertainties surrounding the presidential candidates, the Party has postponed the process to August 3 and 4. FDC Spokesperson Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda however, says that the move to postpone the exercise is not due to a crisis in presidential candidates, but forthcoming Eid celebrations on July 31.

It is not surprising that FDC has opted to bring DP lifetime member Erias Lukwago to join the Najjanankumbi-based opposition party. The Kampala Lord Mayor was on Tuesday unveiled as a full member of the FDC party having crossed along with his wife. The FDC President Patrick Amuriat handed over a party card, Constitution, and FDC policy agenda to Lukwago as a signal of his political rebirth and allegiance to the FDC Party.

Amuriat in his speech stressed that FDC is not in a political leadership crisis saying “FDC is a rich party with skills and cannot fail to sponsor a presidential flag bearer.” The former Kumi County MP, however, acknowledged that the Party is yet to zero on a presidential flag bearer despite having many competent leaders.

“FDC is still undergoing the process of getting a flag bearer, but what I can guarantee you is that we shall get a flag bearer in the next election,” Amuriat said.

Search for Flagbearer

Apparently, FDC is still holding talks with Besigye to take another shot into the presidency as FDC flag bearer in 2021 elections, but he (Besigye) is still non-committal to their appeals. It is the reason FDC is shifting their attention to the newborn member- Erias Lukwago to take up the big shoes of Besigye in case the man from Rukungiri does not make another sudden U-turn as he did in 2015. However, Amuriat has refused to rule out possibilities that Besigye could heed to their appeal and take up the mantle as a flag bearer.

“We cannot rule out the possibility that Kizza Besigye will be our flag bearer, just like you cannot rule out the possibility that Erias Lukwago, Nandala Mafabi, Joyce Bbosa Ssebugwawo, Wasswa Birigwa or even me (Amuriat) can be flag bearer,” Amuriat said.

On the other hand, Erias Lukwago will be skeptical to contest for presidency in the FDC ticket for fear of losing his ‘prestigious’ Kampala Lord Mayor seat that he is most likely to retain than winning the presidential seat. Lukwago’s bid for FDC presidential flag bearer has been likened to a new church member who immediately takes over as the church leader. This could lead to another wave of political divisionism and defections that have of late defined the FDC Party.

What Lukwago Brings to FDC

According to Frederick Golooba-Mutebi, a Political Scientist, it is not a surprise that Lukwago officially joined FDC because he has been associating with the Party. Mutebi says that whereas Lukwago’s entry brings in some heavyweight for FDC because he is a well known active and national figure, he could suffer defeat if he contests against an FDC member who is well-rooted in the Party.

“In FDC, you don’t just become a flag bearer, you have to be elected. Lukwago may have that as a disadvantage because he has not been there, so if he stands against a candidate who has long been there [in the Party] then he will be disadvantaged as a newcomer,” Mutebi said.

He was also quick to dispel speculations that Lukwago would give NRM a bloody nose if he contests as an FDC flag bearer.

“Besides being a popular and active national figure, there is nothing to imagine that Lukwago will dislodge NRM’s Museveni. Unlike, Bobi Wine, he(Lukwago) is not a big threat for NRM considering the kind of environment that this country operates in,” he added.

In his maiden speech as an FDC ‘born again’, Lukwago is silent about his political ambitions saying that his decision to join FDC is not informed by the desire to come for anything material, or political scheming or what he termed as freebies or a meal card. He said he joins FDC to primarily work with a team of patriotic, charismatic leaders to build a free and just society.

It is also unlikely that Budadiri West County MP Nandala Mafabi, who is also FDC Secretary General will ditch his parliamentary seat to contest in the unfamiliar zone as President. The same applies to Party president Amuriat who is equally skeptical to contest for presidency and rather wishes to reclaim his Parliamentary seat which he lost in 2016.

At the same time, Amuriat is hesitant to join political alliances to front a single candidate against NRM’s Yoweri Museveni saying FDC has twice been a victim of failed alliance and that this time they are going to be very conscious before attempting to ally with any political party or stakeholders. This could rule out possibilities of FDC joining hands with Bobi Wine’s National Unity Platform (NUP).

What Next for DP after Lukwago Exit

Back to the DP Party, there seems to be mixed reaction regarding the exit of longtime member, Lukwago and this could further split the membership of DP- one of the oldest surviving Parties in the country’s political history. But DP President Norbert Mao is not among those groaning about Lukwago’s exit. Mao is actually celebrating Lukwago’s exit saying “at long last, the stomach can get some relief because the worms have left.”

“The current situation has clearly shown the real cats in DP and the wild cats (Lukwago). The real cats are running towards the mother party and the wild cats are running away, but as usual, the wild cats cannot survive for long, eventually, they will be hanging around the homestead seeking refuge,” Mao said during a press conference.

Lukwago joins a chain of other DP leaders who fell out of the leadership of Norbert Mao. Among them include; Betty Nambooze, Mathias Mpuuga, Allan Ssewanyana, Mubarak Munyangwa, Medard Sseggona, etc. But for Lukwago, he says he is finally at rest because he is now home (FDC).

“I have enjoyed a cordial relationship with FDC right from its inception. We have been members of the same family with different colors. I am convinced now is the time to open a new chapter. I have taken this decision as an adult of sound mind with my own free will,” he said.

Political analyst, Mutebi equally thinks that Lukwago’s exit will not have any substantive impact on DP because Lukwago like other leaders have been trying to topple Mao since he became President.

“Lukwago has not been fitting in DP ever since Mao came and once they failed to topple him they gave up. So his exit doesn’t mean anything to DP because he has not been part of them anywhere,” Mutebi said.

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Kp Reporter - Chief editor

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