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Gen Kyanda

Gen Kyanda Tours National Defense College Ahead of Commencement of Lectures

posted onDecember 15, 2021

The UPDF Joint Chief Of Staff Maj Gen Leopold Kyanda has visited the National Defence College in Jinja.

In his remarks, Gen Kyanda said, "You are the pioneers of this College and it is a difficult task since it is new but my role here is to encourage you. Within six months you have done alot and I do encourage you to keep it up. 

The Commandant of NDC-U, Maj Gen Francis Okello said the plans to establish National Defence College started in 2013 and up to four Task Forces were set up to plan the establishment of the college. 

The Commandant oriented everyone to the camp whereby he showed the NDC camp lay out of the Google map showing all the facilities in the college which included the Hospital, lecture room, officers' mess, residences among others. 

All the buildings were handed over to UPDF Engineering Brigade from UNRA for a facelift and Maj Gen Kyanda commended them for a job well done. 

This College is the first of its kind in Uganda and it will be the think tank for the government . It will attract participants at the level of One Star General Officers, Senior officers at the rank of Colonel and also civilians in future. 

The lectures will commence in January with about 20 participants and it will be affiliated to Makerere University. 

NDC will show the impact of Defence Security and Development. 

Senior Officers ,UNRA Estates Manager Ambrose Alishe are among those who accompanied the Joint Chief of Staff.

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