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Defence headquarters

MODVA Headquarters Gets Facelift Four Months After Gen Kainerugaba's Takeover

posted onJuly 27, 2024

Four months into his tenure as the Chief of Defense Forces, General Kainerugaba has initiated significant construction projects across the military.

The reconstruction of the Ministry of Defence and Veterans Affairs (MODVA) headquarters at Mbuya has taken a new turn with various infrastructure projects.

Notably, the ministry now boasts a proper entrance, befitting a major government establishment.

Previously, visitors and staff would drive or walk up the Mbuya hill based headquarters to be met by a bush and makeshift entrance and structures.


Additionally, a new quarter guard has been established on Chua II Road leading to the Headquarters, which has been expanded and features a new layer of tarmac. 

An alternate security road has also been built to exit the Headquarters. A 1.6km perimeter fence, the first of its kind at the Headquarters, has been constructed. Groundbreaking for new twin office blocks, each five stories high, is expected next week, presided over by the CDF. Major renovation works on other existing structures will commence simultaneously.

Defence headquarters

The headquarters have been secured with a state-of-the-art perimeter wall, a feature reminiscent of General Kainerugaba's tenure as Commander of Land Forces. During his time as CLF, Gen MK as he is fondly referred to by his admirers, initiated projects such as fencing the Land Forces headquarters in Bombo to prevent trespassing and rolled out housing projects across barracks nationwide.

General Kainerugaba has consistently set high standards, evident in his previous role as Special Forces Commander, where he initiated state-of-the-art housing and welfare projects. 

In some of his speeches during military functions, Gen MK has highlighted his commitment to upgrading military infrastructure and enhancing the welfare of soldiers.


For instance, in his inaugural speech as CDF in Gulu earlier this year, Gen Kainerugaba vowed to improve the welfare of soldiers by fighting the evils of corruption and mismanagement of resources. He pledged to ensure that resources are allocated to their rightful purposes, rather than being misused.


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Kp Reporter - Chief editor

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