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Bobi Wine’s Dishonesty About His Age Raises More Questions Among Ugandans

A number of Ugandans have welcomed Mabirizi’s actions of taking on Bobi Wine’s dishonesty through the courts of law with some saying this is important in the development of the country’s jurisprudence
posted onAugust 30, 2020

KAMPALA. Kyadondo East Member of Parliament Robert Kyagulanyi who is now aspiring for the presidency has been a hot subject for debate after it emerged that he uttered false documents regarding his age.

The singer-cum politician has been rallying the youth to support him claiming that he is one of them, having purposefully and conveniently altered details of his birth year from 1980 to 1982. Observers note that Bobi Wine hoped to ride on the fact that he is a young man in order to woo young Ugandans to vote for him.

However, what he thought would act in his favour might be a major stumbling block in his quest and hopes of being a presidential candidate in the 2021 elections.

With few days remaining to the nomination of the presidential candidates, city lawyer Hassan Male Mabirizi has moved to block his nomination arguing that Kyagulanyi is a dishonest person. 

"I was availed with all documents presented by Bobi Wine to EC in 2017 Kyadondo East by-election and I discovered dishonesty on his side," Mabirizi told journalists recently.

Mabirizi contends that the National Unity Platform (NUP) leader who also doubles as the Kyadondo East lawmaker lied about his age, which is a criminal offence under the law. 

"From the face of his academic papers availed to me by the Electoral Commission (EC), Bobi Wine was dishonest with his age.  He was not born in 1982 as he claims because his diploma transcript from Makerere University indicates that he was born on February 12, 1980," Mabirizi contends. 

A criminal offence

In Uganda’s laws, giving false information is a criminal offence under section 115 of the Penal Code Act and section 76(b) of the Registration of Person Act, 2015.

Mabirizi revealed that the process is underway to institute private prosecution against Kyagulanyi over dishonesty.

Articles 102(2) (f) and 80(2) (f) of the Constitution state that a person is not qualified for election as president if he has been convicted by a competent court of an offence involving dishonesty or moral turpitude.

Important discoveries

According to Mabirizi, apart from lying about his age, the lawyer discovered two other important aspects regarding Bobi Wine’s inability to be a presidential candidate.

Mabirizi argues that he doubts Bobi Wine's potential to lead the country having failed mathematics at Ordinary Level and General Paper at Advanced Level.

Documents availed to Mabirizi indicate that Bobi Wine scored an F9 in mathematics at the Ordinary Level.

"What is required to block him from being nominated is an arrangement of evidence necessary to convict him of any offence involving dishonesty before the Election Day and steps are underway to retrieve several documents signed by him at Makerere University, NIRA, passport office where he was dishonest with his age," Mabirizi says.

The pain of democracy

"I know it is hard time to take the decision I am taking but that is the said pain we have to go through if we are to enjoy the real democracy envisaged by the framers of our constitution and block dishonest leaders from making their way to the ballot paper," Mabirizi noted.

Mabirizi also warned people threatening violence against him saying they are not above the law.

"Allowing violence threats to detract us will mean giving away our fight for democratic freedoms into the hands of rogues which we cannot allow.  It is ok for anyone to talk ill about me provided they do not defame my name and reputation as it will attract legal sanctions at their own cost," Mabirizi warned.

Asked what motivated him to investigate Bobi Wine's academic credentials yet there are over 56 people who have since expressed interest to run for the presidency, Mabirizi said, "It is part of democracy."

The law

Under the law, whoever gives to any person employed in the public service any information which he or she knows or believes to be false commits an offence.

Section 76(b) of the Registration of Person Act, 2015 states that any person who gives false information or makes a false statement when providing information for entry or obtaining the issue or re-use of a national identification card is liable to imprisonment for five years.


On August 10, Mabirizi petitioned EC requesting for Bobi Wine's academic credential details, stating that he wanted to satisfy his doubts that the presidential aspirant possesses the minimum requisite papers for the office.

"Bobi Wine's academic details available at the parliament website indicate that he was born in 1982 and sat A-level in 1998. This means that if he was born in 1982, he sat A-level at 16-years, O-level at 13-years and PLE at 9-years and started his educational journey at 2-years only which is peculiar," Mabirizi argues. 

This, according to Mabirizi created doubt about his academic credentials and could only be satisfied by looking at the academic documents tendered to EC at the nomination in the 2017 by-election which brought him to parliament. 

On August 14, EC directed Mabirizi to pay sh20, 000 to Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) in order to be given copies of Bobi Wine's academic documents.

On August 18, Mabirizi paid the money and was consequently availed with the documents.

Ugandans react

A number of Ugandans have welcomed Mabirizi’s actions of taking on Bobi Wine’s dishonesty through the courts of law with some saying this is important in the development of the country’s jurisprudence.

“After the age amendment, now it’s time to amend the grades..... And some people think Male Mabreeezy (Mabirizi) is a joke. I can speak without a shadow of a doubt, that those intending to join the law fraternity should take keen interest in all cases this astute gentleman has taken on. Very important for the development of Ugandan jurisprudence,” Mr Moses Karugaba a popular events host posted on his Facebook page.

Aspiring Kampala Woman Member of Parliament who also subscribes to Bobi Wine’s group questioned the singer’s intentions regarding the altering of age.

“Now, the one thing I really don’t understand is why a heterosexual man would formally tell lies about his age. Usually, it is vain women or effeminate gay men who are stereotyped as constantly cutting their ages by years. But a man running for public office, first as an MP and now as president? Why would such a person lie about their age?” Dr Nyanzi asks.

“Why did he fall for the temptation to doctor his age? For me, it is the dishonesty that is disturbing. If he was born in 1980, he lied about 1982. If he was born in 1982, he lied about 1980. Lying about something as banal as one’s age reveals the immense possibility of lying about much more. Call it trivial on my part, but this seemingly small matter raises deep questions about trust. How do we trust the words of a man who lies about his age? How do we plan with a man who lies about his age? How do we depend on the promises of a man who lies about his age?” Nyanzi wonders.

About Mabirizi

Mabirizi was born in 1987 to Mohammed Mutumba and the late Mastula Ndwaddewazibwa in Mukono district.   

He possesses a bachelor's degree in law from Makerere University. He sat his A-level from Kawempe Muslim secondary school and he topped his year. 

Mabirizi shot to the limelight when he dragged his own King Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II to court for what he described as an illegal collection of land fees known as Busulu.   

The matter is now pending decision at the Supreme Court, the highest court on the land. 

He was also among the team which challenged the amendment of the presidential Age limit clauses (102b) in the Constitution.

About Author

Kp Reporter - Chief editor

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