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Janet Museveni and other officials during the visit

Janet Museveni Visits Mandela National Stadium, Announces New Completion Date

"In light of these significant undertakings, I have approved an extension for these intervention efforts, shifting the initial completion date from August 1st, 2023, to November 30th, 2023. This extension was granted upon request by the project's main contractor, the UPDF Engineering Brigade."
posted onJuly 4, 2023

First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports said Mandela National Stadium will be ready on November 30, 2023. The earlier date for completion was August 1.

It's not the first time the completion dates are being shifted. According to the minister, the UPDF Engineering Brigade requested a change in dates. "The renovation plan is extensive and incorporates numerous critical upgrades to the stadium. These include the integration of a state-of-the-art ticketing and access control system, installation of solar lighting to mitigate utility costs, and establishment of an efficient drainage and irrigation system. The projects further involve the creation of a 4.2km perimeter wall, along with the refurbishment and elevation of the Namboole stadium and hotel to match international standards," the First Lady said in a July 7 statement.

"In light of these significant undertakings, I have approved an extension for these intervention efforts, shifting the initial completion date from August 1st, 2023, to November 30th, 2023. This extension was granted upon request by the project's main contractor, the UPDF Engineering Brigade."

During the visit, the minister had the opportunity to evaluate the progression of the renovation works firsthand.

" The detailed status report I received illustrated that the updates are advancing in line with FIFA's standards," she said. "As we eagerly anticipate our next visit in November, we look forward to witnessing the fully revitalized stadium. Moreover, I wish to stress the indispensable role of regular maintenance planning in preserving the integrity of government structures like the Mandela National Stadium. My gratitude goes out to the UPDF Engineering Brigade for their outstanding work in overhauling the stadium. Their achievements underscore the need for continued investment in our Technical Institutes, nurturing domestic talent and reducing our reliance on foreign companies."

The Stadium was constructed 26 years ago on February 28, 1997, by COMPLANT, a Chinese firm. Despite the fact that the Chinese firm completed its share of the work, the government had not yet fulfilled its end of the bargain to work on other stadium facilities such as access roads, parking lots, lagoons, drainage systems, and street lights, among others. The absence of the above facilities meant that the usage of the stadium and its official opening had to be delayed for a year.

On December 2, the Ministry of Education and Sports signed an MOU with the Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs to undertake the renovation of Namboole Stadium. Parliament appropriated Shs 97 billion for renovation works under Phrase one and Shs81 billion was released. He commended the UPDF engineering brigade for its competency and commendable job so far.

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