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Gen Kainerugaba Discusses Tourism Industry Enhancement with Stakeholders

posted onNovember 3, 2023

General Muhoozi Kainerugaba, the senior presidential advisor for special operations, met with tour operators to discuss strategies for enhancing the tourism industry in Uganda.

Among the tour operators present at the meeting in Entebbe were Mr Herbert Byaruhanga, Mr Tony Mulinde, Ms Jean Byamugisha and Hon Eddie Kwizera, who is also an MP for Bukimbiri County.

During the meeting held Friday, the tour operators expressed several key points to Gen Kainerugaba regarding the improvement of the tourism industry.

The operators emphasized the need to position Uganda as a destination of excellence and promote its unique offerings to attract tourists from various source markets. This would require targeted marketing efforts to highlight the country's natural beauty, diverse wildlife, and cultural heritage.

The operators also stressed the importance of investing in training and capacity building programs for tourism professionals. Enhancing the skills and knowledge of individuals working in the industry will contribute to the overall quality of service and visitor experience.


The operators recommended the establishment of a dedicated crisis management team to handle any emergencies or incidents that may occur within the tourism sector. Having a structured and efficient response system would help mitigate the impact of such events on the industry.

The operators highlighted the potential of tourism as a significant source of employment for the country's youth. They proposed initiatives to encourage youth participation in the sector, such as internship programs, skill development opportunities, and entrepreneurship support.

However, the operators raised concerns about the impact of taxation policies on the hotel industry. They suggested reviewing and potentially revising these policies to make it more favorable for hotel operators, which would, in turn, promote investment and growth in the sector.

They also discussed the financial challenges faced by the tourism industry when it comes to marketing efforts. They emphasized the need for more funding and support from the government to effectively market Uganda as a tourism destination, both domestically and internationally.

Overall, the tour operators provided valuable insights and suggestions for Gen Kainerugaba to consider in order to address and improve various aspects of the tourism industry in Uganda.


The meeting took place in the wake of a tragic incident in Queen Elizabeth National Park, where three individuals were killed by suspected ADF assailants.

Since then, some of the suspects have been eliminated by UPDF soldiers, and the alleged mastermind, known as Njovu, has been captured by security forces.

Alongside these security measures, the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) has implemented innovative tactics to further strengthen security.

UWA, in collaboration with other security agencies, has deployed a highly trained team of drone rangers to effectively monitor and enhance park surveillance, ensuring the prevention of any similar incidents in the future.

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Kp Reporter - Chief editor

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