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The Africa Fertilizer Financing Mechanism

$2 Million Project Launched to Provide Affordable Fertilizers to Ugandan Farmers

posted onSeptember 2, 2024

A new initiative, the Fertilizer Financing for Sustainable Agriculture (FFSAM) project, has been launched to improve access to affordable and quality fertilizers for farmers, particularly smallholders. Funded with $2 million by the African Development Bank Group in partnership with the African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP), the three-year project aims to reach 400,000 farmers across 12 districts.

The Africa Fertilizer Financing Mechanism (AFFM), a special fund under the African Development Bank, will finance the project, which seeks to inject 60,000 tons of fertilizers into the market over the next three years. Additionally, 125 retail agro-dealers will benefit from selling these fertilizers to farmers.

Speaking at the launch at the Serena Hotel on 30th August 2024, AFFM Coordinator Mrs. Marie Claire Kalihangabo highlighted the project's focus on enhancing agricultural productivity. The Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry, and Fisheries, Frank Tumwebaze, represented by NAADS Executive Director Dr. Samuel Mugasi, praised the project as timely, citing the urgent need to address soil nutrient depletion and the effects of climate change to boost food production.

Currently, Uganda's fertilizer usage stands at only 2kg per hectare, far below Africa's average of 22kg per hectare and the 50kg per hectare target set during the Abuja 2026 fertilizer summit. Tumwebaze stressed the importance of improving the fertilizer supply chain to enhance agricultural output and support economic growth.

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