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Peter Kahiigi

NITA-U loses Peter Kahiigi to Oxford University

Kahiigi has been at NITA for the past 10 years.
posted onSeptember 7, 2020

Peter Kahiigi, who has been the director of eGovernment services at the National Information Technology Authority Uganda (NITA-U), has left to join the University of Oxford in the U.K. where has been hired as “an expert” at the Global Centre for Cyber Security, the Authority announced in a statement.

Kahiigi has been at NITA for the past 10 years. He joined NITA-U on August 1, 2010 as a director of Technical Services (DTS) and his duty involved the establishment of Information Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure in the country and resuscitation of the previously ’dead’ National Backbone Infrastructure/EGovernment Infrastructure (NBI/EGI).

After performing well in this office, he was appointed the Director Information Security (DIS). Here, he oversaw the establishment of Uganda’s national cyber security coordination unit to protect Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Local Governments (MDAs/LGs) against cyber-attacks.

In 2015, Peter Kahiigi was named the Director E-Government Services (DEGS) to help transform public service delivery. In his tenure, the portfolio of ICT systems grew from 47 to 340 government systems, with an e-citizens portal established to offer 101 services.

The outgoing director also supervised the development of the RCIP Project Appraisal Document and secured cabinet approval of the RCIP project in 2015. Consequently, the approval of the $85 million RCIP program was achieved through various multi-sectoral engagements.

RCIP has become the cornerstone for the expansion of the ICT backbone, development & deepening of e-services and the enhancement of cyber security. He has also been at the forefront of implementing shared services across government entities, resulting into cost savings worth roughly Shs1.2 trillion.

While at NITA-U, Kahiigi led help the IT entity establish international strategic partnerships with notable organisations, including Oxford Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre, Commonwealth Cybercrime Initiative (CCI), and the National Information Society Agency (NIA) of Korea.

Kahiigi thanked the appointing authorities for giving him a chance to serve his country. “I am thankful to the ICT Ministers I have had the opportunity to serve under and the NITA Board, whose supervision was a constant North star for me,” he said. “I wish the NITA-U Board, Management and staff the very best as they lead in the country to the digitalization nirvana.”

The Authority is yet to announce a replacement.

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Kp Reporter - Chief editor

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