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Fred Enanga

Security Agencies Tighten Covid Curbs Amid Reducing Infection Rate

posted onJuly 14, 2021

Security agencies are strengthening the enforcement of the Covid-19 lockdown, saying since its roll-out there has been significant results regarding curbing the spread of the virus.

In a statement, police spokesman Fred Enanga noted that while some people were observing the SOPs, there are those who are still disobeying them or using cooked-up excuses to evade them.

“As a result, we are also devising new tactics of additionally deploying medical teams at checkpoints to counter fake patients, Inspectorate officers to supervise the removal of number plates from non-essential vehicles parked on streets, snap checkpoints, etc.,” the police spokesman said.

“Such reckless behaviors by the COVID offenders will simply increase or delay the presence of the deadly variants in the country.”

Since the roll-out of the latest lockdown, officials say, there has been a "gradual drop in the daily cases", with the positivity rate falling from 18% to an average of 10%.

"For optimal control, the desirable positivity rate is under 5% (5 positive cases per 100 samples tested)," Dr. Chris Baryomunsi, the ICT and National Guidance Minister said in a statement after the Monday cabinet meeting.

As of July 12, Uganda had registered 2203 death from Covid-19, 88,674 cases, and 63, 140 cases.

The vaccination exercise is also ongoing and so far 1,079,943 doses have been administered.

Uganda targets to vaccinate 49.6 percent of the population, which is about 21,936,011, in a phased manner.

The lockdown, which is meant to last 42 days, will be ending in 13 days though it's not yet clear if the president will extend it or suspend it.

Police reports indicate people have been violating some of the rules put in place to prevent the spread of the virus.

"In the course of last week, a total of 2180 persons were arrested countrywide for flouting the lockdown and curfew provisions, 1280 were cautioned, 215 released on police bond, 73 cases pending, 612 persons were taken to court; a total of 1130 motor vehicles were impounded, out of which 691 were issued with EPS tickets, 366 motorists were cautioned, 73 vehicles are parked/unclaimed, a total of 3348 motorcycles were impounded, out of which 2609 were issued with EPS tickets, 480 riders were cautioned and 259 motorcycles still parked/unclaimed," police said.

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Kp Reporter - Chief editor

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